Prenatal Diagnosis of A Placental Surface Cyst
Submitted : 08.12.2015 Accepted : 30.01.2016 Published: 03.03.2016
Cystic masses originating from the fetal surface of the placenta have been described by different terms, including chorionic cysts, subchorionic cysts, membranous cysts, and subamniotic hematomas. They occur rarely, and their etiology and clinical importance are still unknown. Herein, we present the case of a placental surface cyst that was diagnosed midtrimester during a routine examination in a patient whose pregnancy was complicated with hypothyroidism.
Placental cyst
, Subchorionic cyst
, Prenatal diagnosis
Plasentanın fetal yüzeyinden kaynaklanan kistik kitleler koryon kistleri, subkoryonik kistler, membranöz kistleri ve subamniotik hematom gibi farklı terimler kullanilarak tarif edilmistir. Nadir görülen bu kistlerin klinik önemi net olarak bilinmemektedir. Biz burada rutin muayene sırasında keşfedilen ve iyi prognoza sahip olan bir plasental yüzey kist olgusunu sunuyoruz.
Anahtar kelimeler:
Plasenta kisti
, subkoryonik kist
, prenatal tanı