e-ISSN: 2147-2181
CausaPedia - Hakemli Olgu Dergisi
e-ISSN: 2147-2181
CausaPedia - Hakemli Olgu Dergisi

An Adult Bochdalek Hernia Presenting With Constipation and Shortness of Breath

Submitted : 18.09.2014 Accepted : 25.09.2014 Published: 24.10.2014


The Bochdalek hernia is pleuroperitoneal ducts? fusion defect ,which takes place on the fourth and 12 th gestational weeks and its incidence is 1 in 2200-12500 live births. It mostly presents with pulmonary symptoms in infants and neonates. Its presentation in adult life is infrequent and mostly asymptomatic or with vague symptoms, mostly gastrointestinal than pulmonary. Some of them are diagnosed after complications have developed,in this case urgent measures should be taken. Thoracal CT can be named as gold standart for its exact localization of the diaphragmatic defect and extent of the hernia.
Keywords : Bochdalek , Hernia

Turkish Abstract

Bochdalek hernisi, plöroperitonal kanalın intrauterin 12. haftada non füzyonuyla oluşur ve 2200 ila 12500 canlı doğumda bir görülür. Çoğunlukla bebek ve yenidoğanda pulmoner semptomlarla ortaya çıkar. Yetişkin hayatta ortaya çıkması ise nadir olup genellikle asemptomatik ya da belli belirsiz semptomlarla birliktedir. Bu belirtiler pulmonerden ziyade gastrointestinal sistemle ilgilidir. Bazı durumlarda tanı komplikasyonlar geliştikten sonra konup, bu durumlarda acil işlem uygulanmalıdır. Diafram defektinin tam yeri ve herni boyutları tespit edebildiği için torakal bilgisayarlı tomografinin altın standart olduğu kabul edilebilir.
Turkish Keywords : , Bochdalek , Herni


Bochdalek hernia is a congenital diaphragmatic hernia occuring  as a result of intrauterin fusion failure of  posterolateral diaphragmatic foramina.They can, however, be acquired in adulthood due to a ?re-opening? of the coronary ligaments 1.  It majorly manifests in neonates and infants with respiratory symptoms and its adult form is very rare ,but by the presentation of computed tomography(CT), it has been detected more day by day as an incidental finding in adults,  who are  asymptomatic  or suffering complications 2.  Here we present the multislice CT findings of an adult with vague symptoms.

Case Report

33 years old male referred to our hospital with a left sided pain and constipation for a couple of weeks. He described difficulty in bending his trunk and a degree of shortness of breath. His laboratory tests and abdominal exam showed no pecularity. After he was scanned with 64- MDCT(multidetector computed tomography) and with intravenous contrast material administration, we detected a posteriolateral defect in the diaphragma on the left side in his thoracal CT images . Abdominal visceral fat and a part of  splenic flexura  were herniated to the thorax through this diaphragmatic defect. He was recommended surgical treatment. (Figure 1, 2a, 2b)

Figure 1
Topogram of the patient
Figure 2A
Sagittal view of the Bochdalek hernia. The defect is shown with white arrows.
Figure 2B
The coronal view of the defect. Again it is shown with white arrows.


Bochdalek hernia is a nonclosure of pleuroperitoneal ducts in intrauterin life and mostly  manifests in neonates and infants 3,4 with the incidence of approximately 1 in 2200 to 12500 live births 5. The majority of adult Bochdalek hernias  are  asymptomatic and  found  incidentally, but  isymptomatic Bochdalek hernias may lead to incarcerated bowel,  intraabdominal organ dysfunction, or severe pulmonary disease 1,6,7.

The symptoms present themselves as gastrointestinal complaints such as changes in bowel habits,nausea and cramp like abdominal pain which result from  complications  like the obstruction of the herniated organ. The pulmonary  complaints such as  shortness of breath, recurring chest infections and other pulmonary sequels  are less encountered 8 . Bochdalek hernias may contain one or more of the following: stomach, spleen, colon, omentum, and small bowel. Also liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidney, or retroperitoneal fat has infrequently been described  as hernia contents 3.  Symptomatic adult  Bochdalek hernias are usually left-sided due to two possible mechanisms. The compression of the caudate lob of the liver on the  right pleuroperitoneal canal and thus preventing the right sided herniation is the first possible  mechanism9,10. Whereas the right hemidiaphragm  fully forming  embriologically before the left ,may be contributing in the prevention of the right sided herniation 9,3 .

Diagnosis can be made by utilizing imaging tools. Plain film can give an idea of the hernia with the colon gas seen over the diaphragma 8, but plain film has low sensitivity and it can lead to misdiagnosis and confusion with other  thoracal pathologies  like left middle lobe collapse, air space consolidation, pericardial fat pad, sequestration of the lung, mediastinal lipoma, or anterior mediastinal mass 6,11 . CT  is highly dependable for making  the accurate  diagnosis by  directly visualising  the  exact localization of the diaphragmatic defect  , and the contents of the hernia.The accurate diagnosis is the first step to  proper management conduction and  avoidance  of  unneceessary comprehensive surgical interventions . Like making the accurate diagnosis,the  timely treatment is  also crucial for the patients. Severe complications are prevented if this imaging is performed without delay.

 The treatment of Bochdalek hernia is operative and according to the severity of the symptoms and the accuracy of the procedure, patients generally do not have any recurrence and remain asymptomatic 2 .


With the various and vague clinical symptoms , Bochdalek hernia is difficult to diagnose. CT is superb in the diagnosis of diaphragmatic hernias with the capability of multiplanar reconstruction. It can also detect any potential co- morbidities and  prevents misdiagnosis which are possible without the utilization of CT.



  1. Mullins ME et al. Prevalence of incidental Bochdalek?s hernia in a large adult population. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2001;177:363-6.
  2. Alam A,Chander BN. Adult Bochdalek Hernia MJAFI.  2005; 61 : 284-6.
  3. Losanoff JE, Sauter ER. Congenital posterolateral dia- phragmatic hernia in an adult. Hernia. 2004;8:83?5.
  4. Yamaguchi M, et al. Thoracoscopic treatment of Bochdalek hernia in the adult: report of a case. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2002;8:106?8.
  5. Shin MS, et al. Bochdalek hernia of diaphragm in the adult. Diagnosis by computed tomography. Chest. 1987;92:1098-1101.
  6. Hung YH,  et al. Adult Bochdalek hernia with bowel incarceration. J Chin Med Assoc. 2008;71:528- 31.
  7. Owen ME,  et al. Delayed diagnosis of infracted small bowel due to right-sided Bochdalek hernia. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2007;89:W1?2.
  8. Kamran S. Hamid et al. Symptomatic Bochdalek hernia in an adult. JSLS. 2010;14:279?81.  DOI: 10.4293/108680810X12785289144719
  9. Kanazawa A,  et al. Acute respiratory failure caused by an incarcerated right-sided adult Bochdalek hernia: report of a case. Surg Today. 2002;32(9):812-5.
  10. Kumar A, Maheshwari V, Ramakrishnan TS, Sahu S. Caecal perforation with faecal peritonitis- unusual presentation of Bochdalek hernia in an adult: a case report and review of literature. World J Emerg Surg. 2009;4:16.
  11. Irish MS, Holm BA, Glick PL. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia: historical review. Clin Perinatol. 1996;23:625-3.

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