e-ISSN: 2147-2181
CausaPedia - Hakemli Olgu Dergisi
e-ISSN: 2147-2181
CausaPedia - Hakemli Olgu Dergisi

Giant Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour Presented with Upper Gastrointestinal System Bleeding

Submitted : 17.08.2019 Accepted : 25.08.2019 Published: 16.10.2019


Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) are the most common mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract and they usually originate from stomach and small intestine. Although, these tumours are clinically silent because of their small size, their size can range from 1-2 milimeters to several centimeters. Standard therapy for GISTs is surgical treatment, and adjuvant treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors such as imatinib, depends on risk stratification. In this case report, we describe a-fifty-eight year old woman who presented with upper gastrointestinal system bleeding with a giant GIST of the stomach. After endoscopic stabilization of bleeding, the patient underwent a successful surgical operation with en bloc resection of the tumoural mass.
Keywords: Gastrointestinal stromal tumour , bleeding , endsocopy , surgery


Gastrointestinal stromal tümörler (GIST) gastrointestinal sistemin en sık görülen mezenkimal kaynaklı tümörleridir ve genellikle mide ve ince barsaktan köken alırlar. Her ne kadar küçük çapları nedeniyle klinik olarak sessiz iseler de, çapları 1-2 milimetreden birkaç santimetreye kadar ulaşabilir. GIST?lerin standart tedavisi cerrahidir, ancak hastanın risk durumuna göre bir tirozin kinaz inhibitörü olan imatinib de adjuvant tedavide kullanılabilir. Biz bu vaka raporunda üst gastrointestinal sistem kanaması ile prezente olan dev mide GIST?li bir hastaya sunmayı amaçladık. Hastaya, endoskopik stabilizasyon sonrası başarılı bir cerrahi tedavi uygulandı.
Anahtar kelimeler: Gastrointestinal stromal tümör , kanama , endoskopi , cerrahi

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