Outpatient Anesthetic Management of A Child With Difficult Airway
Submitted : 21.01.2019 Accepted : 27.03.2019 Published: 31.05.2019
Although, the incidence of difficult airway of pediatric patients is lower, the complications due to the difficult airway are very catastrophic. Especially, in outpatient anesthesia, if the anesthesiologist is alone and the conditions are insufficient, then, the anesthesiologist should be aware of the difficulties and be more careful. The alternative practices are available for different situations. The clinician can modify the techniques used. Rarely, very difficult cases may need outpatient anesthesia. We aimed to present the management of an expected difficult ventilation and intubation case who underwent carotid artery angiography in an outpatient setting.
Difficult airway
, Outpatient anesthesia
, Lip hemangioma
Pediatrik hastalarda zor havayolu insidansı daha düşük olmakla beraber zor havayoluna bağlı komplikasyonlar daha katastrofiktir. Özellikle, anestezistin yalnız ve şartların yetersiz olduğu ameliyathane dışı anestezi uygulamalarında daha dikkatli olmak gerekir. Bu olgu ile ameliyathane dışında anestezi uygulanması planlanan, beklenen zor ventilasyon ve entübasyon durumunda anestezi yönetimini sunmayı amaçladık.
Anahtar kelimeler:
Zor havayolu
, Ameliyathane dışı anestezi
, Dudak hemanjiomu