e-ISSN: 2147-2181
CausaPedia - Hakemli Olgu Dergisi
e-ISSN: 2147-2181
CausaPedia - Hakemli Olgu Dergisi

Conservative Management of Unusual Foreign Body Ingestion in a Young Prisoner

Submitted : 10.02.2018 Accepted : 29.04.2018 Published: 06.06.2018


Foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal system are encountered consciously in individuals who have psychiatric disorders, mental retardation and seeking to have secondary gain in general and often as a result of accidental swallowing of foreign matters by children. Most of the foreign bodies that are swallowed are removed from the body by defecation without causing any health problems. Cases without complication are followed up conservatively. Some foreign bodies are removed endoscopically. Those who lead to hemorrhage, obstruction or perforation require immediate surgery. In this article, we presented a male patient who swallowed 9 AA-batteries successively 24 hours before admission to the hospital. The patient without any surgery and followed up conservatively was discharged without any complication.
Keywords: Gastrointestinal tract , foreign body , conservative


Gastrointestinal sistemde yabancı cisimler, genellikle psikiyatrik bozukluğu olan, mental retarde ve sekonder kazanç sağlamak isteyen bireylerde bilinçli olarak, çocuklarda ise sıklıkla kazayla cismin yutulması sonucu karşımıza çıkmaktadırlar. Yutulan cisimlerin çoğu herhangi bir sağlık problemine yol açmadan defekasyon yoluyla vücuttan atılır. Komplikasyon gelişmeyen olgular konservatif takip edilirler. Bazı yabancı cisimler endoskopik olarak çıkarılırlar. Kanama, tıkanma ya da perforasyona yol açanlar ise acil ameliyat gerektirirler. Bu yazıda, hastaneye başvurudan 24 saat önce arka arkaya 9 adet kalem pil yutan erkek bir hasta sunuldu. Cerrahi uygulanmayan ve konservatif takip edilen hasta, komplikasyonsuz taburcu edildi.
Anahtar kelimeler: Gastrointestinal sistem , yabancı cisim , konservatif

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